From Paris, France
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Hi Tobias,
How can I find the right words ?
Well... sorry for the clichés, but thank you and thank you again for your support and so precise comments.
I agree wiht HS, YOU are an inspirator. A mark in the vast Mix.dj's landscapes...
Salut Mr Floorex !
Merci pour ton soutien et l'attention que tu as portée à "Shadow".
Un jour... Un jour, je l'annonce... Tu finiras, à force de persuasion, par être absolument fan de Psytrance et de BPM à 170-75 ! Hahaha !!!
Hi Toksick !
Thank you so much, man !
Very glad you appreciated this last mix.
See you for the next one (from you or me) ! smile
Hi HS, "the kid from Chicago" !
A big thank for your support and your kind comment on "Shadow".
Your singularity, your own stylish originality inspire me too.
Our musical references seem maybe different but the intentions are similar.
Hi Primal,
Thanks for your support on "Shadow Linger".
"Joy of Your Life" haunts me again and again. What can I do ?
All the best.
Thank you so much for your comment and support.
Very appreciated it.
Got to check out your work !
Salut Koko !
J'espère que tout va bien pour toi !
Merci pour ton com' et ton soutien sur mon dernier mix.
Impossible pour moi pour Avignon, mais c'est une idée excellente. smile
Gaston !
Merci pour ton soutien et ton commentaire bien cool.
Je viens juste de choper ton mix hardcore. La cover... Humungus ! 8)
Ton précédent était une pure bombe.
* (too long) * ... without getting the brutality of those lyrics, but it obviously is. thx so much. smile
oh HoN, you made me happy. thx so much for explaining your thoughts. i was really not sure, but you completely got the point. it´s a mix made out of frustration, yes, even hate about development of ma...
Deejay Angelo
Salut Hon, merci pour ton soutien et tes appreciations hors normes, c'est comme si tu passais mes mixes aux scanners, c'est supper et j'apprecie vraiment tes analyses, merci !
thx a lot, however i´m wondering, most of the effect is based on the lyrics, and people who don´t understand them (i guess) are voting for it. strange thing. maybe i simply don´t get the irony xD
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