Mike Fluff

From Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 1, 1985
Last Login:
September 15, 2010
Member Since:
September 15, 2010
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Mike Fluff
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About Me
Hi, my name is Mike Fluff and I am a dj, sound producer and promoter from St.Petersburg, Russia. I was burn in 1985 in Stavropol city. My first touch with music was at an early age with the piano I was studied to play. Later in mid-school I met electronic music and decided to move in it some day, cause classic was to conservative for me. At age of 11 (year 1996) I had bought my first compilation of GOA-trance thats how I touched this underground style for the first time. In 1999 I moved to Sankt-Petesburg and entered the Cadet Corps. It was the age of first raves in Ubileiniy sport palace and my military school was located through the fence from it so I was as close to first global electronic music events as possible. Those days my favorite choice was sound of just becoming popular drum'n'bass style. Thats why I'd first tried myself as a dj in it. It was autumn of 2004 I've met dj Magway and few month later joined the Incunabula.lab.