
From Long Beach, CA , United States
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 1999
Last Login:
April 11, 2013
Member Since:
May 8, 2010
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About Me
Hey there. My name is Keith and I am an Iowa corn fed boy who just happened to get the "GO WEST YOUNG MAN" bug years ago, so I hopped on that Greyhound bus bound for Los Angeles and have never looked back. I have been a "bedroom DJ" for quite some time now and music has always been a passion and part of my life since as early as I can remember. Recently, I made a decision to start sharing my house mixes with friends and also am planning to possibly pursue my DJ'ing career as well. I am now in the process of fine tuning my mixing skills and seeing what happens next. Who knows, someday I may be manning the decks at a dancefloor near you! In the meantime, enjoy my mixes and keep checking back for more. And thank you so much for all your great comments and support!