DJ Roque

From Den Helder, Netherlands
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 10, 1981
Last Login:
August 5, 2015
Member Since:
April 2, 2010
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Music Fan, DJ
eDedeejay Page
About Me
DJ Roque just loves the music!
Since the early 90's it al started with House music. At first I didn't know exactly what to think of it and chose for harder styles like hardcore. From that point on the love for the digital sounds started growing into big formes.
Around '95 I discovered Ministry Of Sound wich became a must have. MOS brought lots of styles on CD so I developed a larger knowledge for different styles.
Main stream of music now is the electro house and more uptempo dance styles, but I can also enjoy a good psycho trance session.
Since 2006 I started to make my own mixes and I never stopt doing it since :P
On I want to offer a divers amount of styles. Dance mixes with higher mixtempo and different styles combined, Classic Remixes (I'm a sucker for classics) and great Electro House Sessions. Also I have a Streetdance-thing going on. For Freestyle lovers ;P

Rest me one more thing thing to say:
No Music, No Life

Dj Roque