Hello Gaston smile)
Try my mix on the following link
Its my third style i play and its called: Techno
Can you give me your votes please? i'm interested what you think about it.
How many stars of voting you give me ?
Greetings from Zuerich <3
thanks for your comment and support boss13 merci camarade smile
Pk0Dj posted on HPR's wall.
Thanx 4 the add bro!!! looking 4ward to your stuff
Merci, Gaston, pour ton E-Promo !
Gaston tes backgrounds sont chaque fois plus beaux
merci beaucoups pour le soutien content que sa t'est plus la biz koko
Thanks for vote "Feel the Latin". Best Regards
hello azalee
thanks for the add
hello KL4U5
thanks for the add
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