It's Jan. 1st so time for extra extra special shout outs. I have now been doing this for 2 years. First off I want to thank Mix.DJ for being such a great sight with very rare problems. On the christian dance music side I want to thank David Thulin for his Reconstruction show, DJ Tony Martinez who is now uploading here after mixcrate ceased, Karl Forde and Sonar Zone and DJ Syscheck for their mixes on Mixcloud, and whoever else I forgetting. I also want to thank Psyrotica for the awesome trance mixes, Downandi for his variety, DJ Tole for his mixes, Jobe In The Mix for his wide variety, Pure Trance Sessions for the uplifting trance, DJ English / DJ Eurobeat / DJ Fred Garde / Big Bang / and ot...
It's Jan. 1st so time for extra extra special shout outs. I have now been doing this for 2 years. First off I want to thank Mix.DJ for being such a great sight with very rare problems. On the christian dance music side I want to thank David Thulin for his Reconstruction show, DJ Tony Martinez who is now uploading here after mixcrate ceased, Karl Forde and Sonar Zone and DJ Syscheck for their mixes on Mixcloud, and whoever else I forgetting. I also want to thank Psyrotica for the awesome trance mixes, Downandi for his variety, DJ Tole for his mixes, Jobe In The Mix for his wide variety, Pure Trance Sessions for the uplifting trance, DJ English / DJ Eurobeat / DJ Fred Garde / Big Bang / and others for their music.
Thanks to everyone who checked out my mixes, almost 14k plays of my December mixes, over 203k for the year, and over 444k for the 2 years (451k with Mixcrate added in). Thanks to those who take the time to vote and/or like the mixes. My biggest shout out goes to the Lord God above who has taken care of me through thick and thin.
Tonight's mix is a downtempo set from my most popular series of last year, Reflection. This 41st set is perfect for meditating on life, love, family, friends and God. Enjoy the smooth grooves. Faith Hope Love. God Bless. With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26