39 Votes
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Bobby Rhymer
Hi buddy,

Happy new year. how was the holidays? smile.gif

Drum'n'Bass not my cup of tea but it sounds cool. with your level of skills I bet its a an outstanding mix. thumbsup.gif
  • January 6, 2013
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Deejay Angelo
do not know this music mix, but I vibrated. very strong especially in the second part, I also noticed beautiful voice clips! December 11, 13 and 14 are my favorites, and I liked the tempo change with the entry of "Sahara" was daring. I would love another like that! well done !!
  • January 6, 2013
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Keep up the good work!!
  • January 5, 2013
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Nice "Aggression" !
Good general liquid vibe even if things get darker with Enei.
Robert Owens is THE voice. Put "Keep The Voice" at the beginning of your tracklist is a very good idea.
And the double bass of this "Pure Gold" reminds me the enchanted memories of a certain "Brown Paper Bag" !
  • January 5, 2013
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Bravò!! nice set to listen to everywhere I go. emot134.gif
  • January 5, 2013
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salut tres bien le melange coul agres bon son : Thumbsup: : Thumbsup:
  • January 4, 2013
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simply great...
  • January 4, 2013
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goood house with a nice beats and bass
  • January 4, 2013
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DJ BigVic
thanks and track 2 is a very cool song! cool.gif
  • January 3, 2013
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DJ Lord Heyz
Yo D rizzle!! this was HOT!!!
i just recently used "Oblique" in a Chillout set,
Me thinks this "Channeled Aggression" series is
a smash, seamless transitions giving the listener a ride they won't forget, this gets a big "Hell Yeah"
  • January 3, 2013
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