March 13, 2011 - 11:01 pm


112 Votes
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Dj Guido P
DD+Rectified+D'n'B= TNT! I'm really impressed. Great selection & superb transitions. Nice work friends! thumbsup.gif
  • March 14, 2011
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Superb duo my friends,you are the king in this categorie..very like it ninja.gif ninja.gif thumbsup.gif
  • March 14, 2011
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Allstyle and co
superb mix in a magnificient style
thank you
  • March 14, 2011
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realy nice job mates.......thank you for sharing ;-)
  • March 14, 2011
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The partners in crime ! ninja.gif
They are back !
Right in the Mediabag.

EDIT : The construction is just perfect.
A logical combination between dark and more brightly influences, deep and catchy vibes. But there's something almost "unquiet" in this one.
Agree with Drew, the "chill break" is brilliant. The tra...
  • March 14, 2011
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Drew Breeze
Incredible...smacks you in the face the first half, hits you with some BIGGIE (are you kidding me!Wink on a chill spot, then wisks you away again.

That makes no sense, but this blabber is all I can say right now...there are no words.

  • March 14, 2011
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Primal Groove
a great dnb adventure gentlemen. very nice arrangement of tracks. downloading this. thumbsup.gif Badass!

btw i think you have the artist and song title in track 18 flipped...
  • March 14, 2011
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Awesome, I'm not a mega fan of D&B but this I can enjoy, brilliant feeling this gave me...
BTW Drop dead gorgeous cover artwork too.. smile.gif thumbsup.gif
  • March 14, 2011
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QUOTE(Audiotoxin @ Today, 03:17 PM)
there is a start time issue at tracks 7 and 8, both show same times

No error, both tracks come in at the same time. That section has 3 things playing simultaneously.
  • March 14, 2011
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HELL YEAH BABY. This is massive. Lots of great bangers in there. Great job blending so many tracks in a "not so long" mix. (there is a start time issue at tracks 7 and 8, both show same times).
  • March 14, 2011
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