A Primer To Setting Up Your Own Affiliate Marketing Program
1 Attending
  • Camacho Fitzsimmons Camacho Fitzsimmons

Thursday, May 3, 2018 7:12 pm - 10:12 pm

British Columbia
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Your killer offer has to include things like your conversion rate, commissions to your current traffic and creative collateral etc. More often than not, super affiliates will test drive a program to see how it works on their audience. If they're not happy with the results, they'll simply drop out. So make sure when you're approaching them that you have everything ready to go.

To become an affiliate marketer, you don't have to go through any of that. You don't even need a high school diploma. Some affiliate programs allow you to sign up with just a name and email account. Others do have an application process in which they ask for the link to your website because they want to make sure their products are not being promoted by spammers.

In a surprising move, Google decides to shut down their Google Affiliate Network — which was their attempt at breaking into the world of affiliate marketing (previously Doubleclick Performics). Today Google still pays out and earns billions of dollars through their Google Adsense affiliate program, which is also one of the easiest ways for site owners to first earn money online.

Choose products or services that are relevant to your niche. If your site is about children's books and you promote car insurance, at best you'll look like you don't know what you're doing and at worst, you'll be branded a spammer.” Once look at these guys develop a bad reputation as a spammer or an out to make a quick buck” type of affiliate marketer, it's incredibly difficult to go back. Start out with high standards and you'll be fine. Simply put, promoting bad stuff makes you look bad and will hurt you in the long run.